Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's so hard...

... to find crib bedding that isn't completely gay. Everything has dump animals or sail boats. or worse, Winnie the Pooh, all over it. Jim and I looked all over and couldn't find the bedding that we want, or anything close to it for that matter. So we got this brilliant idea that we would just ask his Aunt Judy to make it and choose our own material. It sounded like a great idea until we started pricing out fabric and trying to find patterns we like. Screw making it!
We've now been typing in the google searches like crazy trying to find something we both like and looks somewhat normal. The trouble now is that Jim fell in love with the fabric we picked out so no crib sets look remotely cool to him. I starting to change his mind though. I have found a few that I'd be willing to settle for. The funny thing is, I'm sure that once our baby is here. we're not going to care at all what it's bedding looks like. But until then, I will keep on with my search for the perfect bedding. Feel free to shout out any awesome websites you know of!

P.S. We find out of the February 9th what the gender of our little monkey is!

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