Thursday, January 28, 2010

Because I Rock...

So last night Jim went snowboarding with his guys leaving me to handle my IV all by myself, like a grown up. Keep in mind that I have NEVER hooked myself up before, Jim always does it for me and watches the drip, so that the line doesn't fill with air and pump it into my system killing me. How hard can it be right?
I got home from my parents house, Happy 26th Anniversary yesterday by the way, around 8:15 and take all of my medical junk downstairs to our bedroom so I could lay on the bed watching Beauty and the Beast while being fed nutrients through my vein.

I have ADD.

I didn't get the IV going until 8:45 because there were other not-so-important things that demanded my attention apparently. I realized the Jim was supposed to be home any minute and would be pissed that I hadn't started my IV, cause it takes a few hours to drip, so we'd be up all night. So I rushed to it and maybe didn't sterilize everything just right, life goes on though. I preceded to enjoy my Disney Classic and curl up under about 60 blankets when I receive a text from my loving husband stating that he had a blast and is on his way home, though they were going to stop and get food, an unnecessary detail to share with you, but it's already typed out so I don't care.
The movie ends and the IV is a little over half done. I figured I'd be safe to close my eyes for a few minutes. Bad idea! When I finally woke up the IV was completely empty as was the drip control, and the tube. The IV line attached to my arm is filled with blood and a large air bubble. In case you didn't know, when a large air bubble is pumped through your veins and reaches your heart, you die.
Because I haven't ever done the IV by myself, I have no idea how to remove the air bubble from the line. So I didn't the only logical thing I could think of just waking up. I grab a saline tube and just flushed the line, pushing the air bubble into my veins, and hoped for the best.
I grabbed my phone and texted Jim about my little folly, he wasn't happy and told me I should have just pulled the air bubble into the syringe instead of pushing it into my body. Ya, my IQ is dropping by the second being pregnant.
Anyway, that's pretty much how it went down, I'm still alive so no harm no foul right?
Moral of the story: Amber is not allowed to hook up to and IV and go to sleep without proper supervision.

The End


  1. ...Oh the memories...

    How was Beauty and the Beast?

  2. It was awesome! Love that movie. Jim made fun of me for watching it, in his head.
