Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear Lady GaGa...

If you were even somewhat normal and went by a name that didn't make me mad every time I heard it, I might actually listen to some of your music. Though due to your retarded alias and your horrid outfits, you just make me mad. You are not making any fashion statements, you just look dumb.
Please just be normal, and cease with the desperate cries for attention that you make through your appearance.


P.S. GaGa just sounds like a little kid trying to say something.

1 comment:

  1. Bah ha! Her birth name is Stefani Germanotta. She released one album as Stefani, and it's rather cutsie to be honest. The name Lady Gaga was a fluke, (mis-typed text)but she liked it. She wears the outlandish light colored pants-less outfits so her grandmother who is going blind can see her... However, I have to agree with you on the name and her mad outfits. Though, I do actually listen to her music. Haha!
