Tuesday, February 23, 2010

United States Marines...

(USMC Charlie Company 4th LAR)

There is just something about a Marine that is different than a member of any of the other armed forces. I am not just saying this because my husband and brother, and many others, are in the Marine Corp. Even before Cory joined the Marines, and long before I met Jim, Marines have always stood out to me. Sure they are rough guys, but once you break through that, you will never find a more caring person. They carry their uniforms with a dominance, a Marine in uniform walks into the room, and heads turn. They are a disciplined group and it shows. The Marines I know do their job, not for the glory. not for the chance to be called a hero, but to serve their country. Jim and I had the discussion of what where he would be had we not met, his answer was simply, Afghanistan. I asked what he meant by that, he would have been injured and sent home just the same with or without me. This is when he stopped me, he looked at me and said,

"I would never have let this injury stop me from being out there with my guys, but I felt like I was needed here more, I didn't know why at the time, but when the Major asked me if I could perform my duties in full gear and if I would be able to be in a conflict zone, everything in my head told me to say yes. Then I thought of you and for some reason no is what came out of my mouth."

This conversation was just had last week. I could not be happier that he is here and safe, and able to share our pregnancy with me. Though it kills him to not be serving with his men. Marines have a commitment to one another that is like no other. They stand by each other and never leave each other behind. I always thought I'd marry a Marine. I had no idea I would marry one knowing that the chance of never seeing him again after the week we got married
would be very real. I knew going into the marriage that it would be months before I would see my new husband again, that was something we were both willing to do for our country. I never imagined that I would get him home a few months later with an injury and a broken heart for not being able to be with his men. Nothing can describe the look on Jim's face when people tell him they are happy he is home and not in Afghanistan. I am a selfish person and it was more than I could handle when I said goodbye to my husband, brother, and friend all in the same day, all leaving with the possibility of never returning. Troy and my brother Cory are still in Afghanistan and are serving in a "hot zone." These men are so great, they left everything behind and have to deal with what they are doing and the details and horrors of their missions alone. They cannot call home and talk about what is going on, they cannot unload they burdens onto other, for fear of the enemy tapping into the phone lines. Because Jim is here I get information that would otherwise be kept to the military only. Because these are his men and his brothers, he is given the information for the higher ups. What these men are going through is not a walk in the park. Many Americans believe that our men and women serving overseas aren't really doing anything. THEY ARE!! They are going through things that you and I could never imagine. When Jim and I first started dating he told me that his tour in Iraq was so easy and boring. The truth and horrors of things he went through are coming out daily as he recounts the stories to me. describing images that are still so vivid in his mind and still pull him from his sleep in terror. Those overseas serving now, are LIVING these terrors everyday. They wake up not knowing if it will be their last time waking up, but they put on their gear and go to work.They are a million times more brave then I am.

Thanks Cory, Troy, Chris, and Jordan and the rest of USMC Charlie Company, 4th LAR! Jim and I miss you all and love you! We can't wait for you to come home!

1 comment:

  1. You stated that so beautifully Amber!

    If I could stand and clap and be seen and heard I would. Instead, I will say Amen.
