Thursday, March 25, 2010

When a Quest for Beauty Backfires...

So I broke down on Sunday and had to put some effort into feeling pretty again. My first stop was the tanning salon *gasp*. It's ok people, I did lots of research, even texted my OB and got the ok before doing this. The only rules were to keep my body cool and not lay in the bed for more than 12 minutes. So I lotioned up, turned the tanning bed fans on full blast, and climbed on in. I figured I would go three or four times in the next couple weeks and this would give me a nice color that would hold me over until it is warm enough to actually go out and get some all natural sun! Needless to say, I got a little burnt, not bad though. Anyway, my original plan was to get my legs and whoha waxed that day and go tanning afterward. Well I called the day spa multiple times with no answer, so I figured that they wouldn't be able to get me in before Jim and I had to leave for other events of the day, so I went tanning instead. AFTER I left the tanning salon, the day spa called me back and let me know that had a 12:30 appointment open. It was 11:40. Ya, I booked it. I hurried home, took a quick shower, I wasn't about to go to the spa smelling like tanning, and rushed over to the spa. I was a little late, but only like 5 minutes, so it doesn't even count. We went back into a lavender room where some soft Native American music was playing, I laughed a little on the inside. Anyway, the waxing began. It wasn't that bad. some areas hurt more than others, but I figured it would all be worth it. Everything wrapped up and I was on my way. Here's the catch, I did two things differently than I ever have before when waxing. I went tanning before, and I didn't shower and apply a generous amount of lotion after. I was in a hurry and just threw my jeans back on and went about my day. BAD IDEA. As a result of waxing with a sunburn and not moisturizing after, my legs have been itching like crazy and are covered in little red dots! It sucks so bad! I don't even like Jim seeing my legs cause I looks like I was attacked by a million bugs! Anyway, I tries using benadryl all over, thinking it was an allergic reaction to the wax, that soothed the itching but didn't reduce the redness. So finally I requested the help of Yahoo! Answers. I asked if this reaction was normal and how to fix it! Thank goodness, it is a normal reaction, especially if you don't moisturize your skin after. Some lady told me to get some GiGi two step after waxing treatment from Sally Beauty Supply. I picked it up yesterday and already have seen improvement in the redness and the itching is now in just a few places, mostly my knees and shins. So, cross your fingers that my legs will go back to normal in the next couple days! Lesson learned --go tanning after waxing, then shower and use a gallon on lotion!

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