Friday, April 23, 2010

Who Will Julian Look Like?...


Due to my small size at 29 weeks and the multiple complications with the pregnancy, my doctor was concerned that our little dude wasn't growing. So we got to have another ultrasound this past Tuesday. No worries though, he is perfectly fine, he's just a little baby because I'm a little person. As of Tuesday he weighed 2lbs 11oz! He still has a bit of growing to do. Anyway, where this going is, begin able to have an ultrasound so far along Jim and I were able to see a lot of Julian's features and kind of get an idea of what he'll look like. Ya, I know, he'll probably look nothing like what we were able to see on the ultrasound, but it's still fun to imagine. Jim has been having dreams of the day he is born a lot lately, all he can ever remember is that he was teeny and had lots of dark hair. I've been trying to visualize his little face and I have a feeling he'll look a lot more like Jim than like me.
Anyway, things are becoming more and more real now. As we attend child birth classes and doctor appointments, Jim and I are learning just how high at risk we are for preterm labor. Our doctor and the instructors of the child birth class listed the main factors that cause preterm labor, Jim and I sat there and put a check mark by every one. This knowledge has us a little worried, but we figured that if our little dude can hang out in there for at least six more weeks he'll be just fine. We are due on July 5th, though both Jim and I think he;ll decide to make he's debut sometime in June. My instincts are telling me to go on maternity leave around June 15th, but the worker in me wants to stay there until June 30th. I have a feeling I'll end up working, literally until the day he is born.
These next couple weeks are going to be way exciting for our little family. Next weekend I have my first baby shower! I'm pretty excited for this. It's my family shower and two of Jim's aunts were nice enough to put it together for me! We will also, cross your fingers, finally be moving into OUR house next weekend! It's been a long time coming. We were told we would be able to move in clear back in January, but do to unforeseen circumstances, the family currently living in our house was not able to move out. Jim and I have been extremely patient with the whole situation. We have not been able to access a lot of our stuff, which is in the basement of the house, nor have we been able to prepare the baby's room and do some remodeling like we planned. But given that everything goes well, we will be moving in on May 1st!!!!! Anyway, the following weekend, my girls Mollie and Caitlin are throwing me a baby shower for my friends! They worked so hard hand making the invitations and planning! I can't wait!
There was more I wanted to get into, but this post is already getting longer than I wanted it to be!
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Whomever he looks like that baby will be a heartbreaker! I am super excited for you to be a mom!

  2. Hopefully little Julian will stay in there long enough and not come to soon! I think everything will be okay. I'm excited to see you at the friend shower, I will be there for sure! Good luck with the move, it will be nice to be in your own place! Love you cute girl.
