Monday, March 15, 2010

Jamba Juice...

So today I went to Jamba Juice for the first time in a few months. I was stoked beyond measure to indulge in my regular, the ever so delicious Razzmataz.
I typically get a sixteen with a protein boost. So I get up to the counter and place my order. The cashier then asks me what kind of protein I would like. This confused me like crazy, I just want a protein boost, the normal one, the one that I always get, I didn't know there were different kinds. She gives me the low down and I decided on whey protein, unsure of what that even means. She then tells me it is $0.50 extra (since when do the boosts cost anything) I just said that's fine.
Weeellll... I end up with the frothy light pink thing that has the texture you would imagine a melted frosty having, and has the aftertaste of chapstick. It's not even the right color. The Jamba I was handed was a very pale pink, my normal razzmataz is a dark rich berry color, you know, like the color of raspberries.... imagine that. So where am I going with this. I would just like to thank all you retard "going green hippies" for screwing up my Jamba Juice experience. All of the sudden our world is being thrown out of wack by everyone wanting to be "organic" I hate to break it to ya'll but you're just paying more for "hormone free" meat and "natural" vegetables, guess what, THEY'RE THE SAME DAMN THING AS NORMAL FOOD. I personally love my high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated fat. So keep all your "healthy" hippie crap in their own stores and restaurants and let the rest of us enjoy a high calorie, seemingly healthy-though totally unhealthy Jamba Juice in peace.
Thank you in advance for your compliance.

1 comment:

  1. I fully support the wouldbenotsohealthy suggestion of leaving our Jamba Juice in peace! It didn't hurt anyone, and I loved the old menu! Leave a good thing alone!
