Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Last night around midnight I received a phone call from Cory. He was in a great mood and was extremely happy to be out with his brothers and back in combat. We joked and had a good conversation. It was very needed. After the last couple weeks I needed to hear his voice and tone, to hear the reassurance that he was happy. He misses home but is proud to be serving and looking forward to being back in the states in a few months. He said his leg still hurts, but not enough to keep him down. He also tried to convince me that rootbeer jelly bellies are 100% delicious. He seems to be in great spirit! According to his fiance, Saturday when he called he had a really bad feeling about the his next mission, which is completed now. It's understand as it was his first time going out since getting blown up. Anyway, just a quick update for all of those still wondering. Things are still crazy over in Afghanistan but the boys are getting their head around things again and going back to work full force!


  1. That is really good to hear! Thank you so much for posting updates and things! I worry about them too, even though I wasn't terribly close with them!

  2. No problem. Things have just been really crazy so we've pretty much been living in our one little world, Jim and I that is, and trying to deal with everything. It looks as though things are starting to settle now though.
